Gwyddorau Systemau Daear ac Eigioneg Ffisegol

Sylw ar Gyhoeddiadau

Mae ein staff ymchwil yn cynhyrchu ystod o gyhoeddiadau o fewn thema dynameg Cefnfor, dadansoddeg data a dadansoddiad geo-ofodol. Mae'r rhestr hon yn cynrychioli'r gorauÌýo 2014 hyd heddiw.

Barton, BÌý& Lique, C 2018, '',ÌýJournal of Physical Oceanography.Ìý

Polyakov, IV, Padman, L, Pnyushkov, A, Rember, R & Ivanov, VV 2019, '',ÌýJournal of Physical Oceanography, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 227-246.Ìý

, Vlasenko, V, Stashchuk, NÌý& Bacon, S 2017, '',ÌýGeophysical Research Letters, vol. 44, no. 24, pp. 12349-12357.Ìý

, Sundfjord, A & Bacon, S 2015, '',ÌýNature Geoscience, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 191-194.Ìý

Rosier, SH, Gudmundsson, GHÌý2015, '',ÌýCryosphere, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2397–2429.Ìý

, Way, MJ & Barnes, R 2019, '',ÌýThe Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 876, no. 2, L22.Ìý

Malarkey, J, Hope, JA, Aspenden, RJ, Parsons, DR, Peakall, J, Peterson, DM, Schindler, RJ, Ye, L, Lichtman, ID, Bass, SJ, Manning, AJ & Thorne, PD 2015, '',ÌýNature Communications, vol. 6, no. 6257.Ìý

Schindler, RJ, Parsons, DR, Ye, L, Hope, JA, Peakall, J, Manning, AJ, Aspden, RJ, Malarkey, J, Simmons, S, Paterson, DM, Lichtman, ID, Thorne, PD & Bass, SJ 2015, '',ÌýGeology.Ìý

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