Students talking to Peer Guides during Welcome Week

Welcome Week: School of Education

Professor Carl Hughes - Head of School, School of Educational Sciences

My name is Professor Carl Hughes, and I am the Head of School. I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to the School of Educational Sciences.Ìý

Our passion is to provide you – the people who hold the potential to make positive changes to all our futures – with the skills and experiences that will prepare you for a fulfilling and impactful life and career.  We’re very pleased to be welcoming you to our community of passionate, dedicated students and staff.  If, like us, your personal vision is to make the world a better place for children and young people, we’re here to help you achieve this.Ìý

We will work with you to help you make the most of your natural talents, values, and dreams. University experience can be one of the most wonderful times of your life, and we’re here to help you on the journey to becoming the best that you can be.  As part of our School community, you will be able to pursue your studies with the guidance of our supportive and knowledgeable staff as well as build relationships with peers that we hope will last a lifetime. ÌýÌý

Your voice and input will be vital to help us work as a team to do this. One way you can make a real difference in your time here, and learn key leadership skills, is by becoming a Course Representative during your time here.  I encourage you to think about this and other opportunities provided to expand your experience. Ìý

Remember that university is more than the courses you take. It’s also the people you meet, the new experiences you’ll have and the sense of personal development I hope you’ll feel as you move on your own personal journey to becoming your best you. ÌýFor many of you beginning university is a new start – make the most of this and choose to go for it. Life favours those who take action. Join the club! Make the friends! Work hard and good things will happen!Ìý

I look forward to seeing you all in person soon. I hope you settle in quickly and start to enjoy your time in this very special place. You might know that many of the staff started here as students and fell in love with Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬ and never left (me included;-)!Ìý

My very best,Ìý

Carl Ìý

Professor and Head of SchoolÌý

Welcome Week Timetables

Find your timetable by searching for your subject group or course title

Peer Guides & Welcome Week

Hi everyone and welcome to the School of Educational Sciences. Ìý
The Peer Guide scheme is here to help you during your time at Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬, particularly during the first few weeks of your degree course. Welcome Week, Ìýyour first week in Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬, is designed to help you settle in before lectures start, so please make the most of it even if you already live locally. It's a great chance to meet other new students and find out about your new course.Ìý

The School of Educational Sciences' Peer Guides will contact you and be available throughout Welcome Week to help answer your questions about being a student at Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬. They are students already studying BA Primary Education or BA Childhood and Youth Studies (including joint honours students) in our school.
During Welcome Week there will be lots of activities to allow you to meet other new students. There are also events run by the Students’ Union, such as Serendipity, where you can find out about all the societies and sports clubs on offer at Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬. ÌýPeer Guides will be available to visit Serendipity with you on Wednesday 20th September at 11.00 noon, meeting at the sports' hall Canolfan Brailsford (LL57 2EH).Ìý
One useful part of Welcome Week is to meet your lecturers before lectures begin. Peer Guides will meet you at Ffriddoedd Halls of Residence and walk with you to our school so you can meet your lecturers and personal tutors. This will be at 9.00 on Monday 18th September ready for your Welcome Meeting in the School of Educational Sciences which starts at 9.30. If you are travelling independently, then this event takes place on the main campus an is in the Alun Building on College Road. Peer Guides will be there to welcome you. Ìý
Over the week we will also be having meetings for our joint honours' students, mature students, Welsh medium students and Masters' students so lecturers and Peer Guides can give you additional information to support your studies. Please see the timetable for details.Ìý
In the meantime, if you wish to contact your Peer Guide, please contact our Peer Guide coordinator who will put you in touch. They are Fliss Kyffin (Ìý

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